BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering

BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering

  • Foundation (4 Months)

    1. Business Skills
    2. Soft Skills
    3. Digital Skills
    4. Technology Skills
    5. English Skills

  • First Year (10 months)

    1. Programming
    2. Networking
    3. Security
    4. Professional Practice
    5. Database Design & Development
    6. Website Design & Development
    7. Mathematics for Computing
    8. Managing a Successful Computing Project

  • Second Year (10 months)

    1. Advanced Programming
    2. Business Intelligence
    3. Internet of Things (loT)
    4. Cloud Computing
    5. Data Structure & Algorithm
    6. Network Security
    7. Computing Research Project

  • Final Year (10 months)

    1. Research 
    2. Artificial Intelligence
    3. Android Mobile Development
    4. Advanced Data Technologies
    5. Advanced Cyber Security
    6. Product Development

  • In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering degree, which is set to become highly sought after, will be directly awarded by the University of Sunderland (UK), one of the world's top universities. Students will have equal academic opportunities as those studying at the UK campus.
  • Students will use advanced professional-level developer software and hardware to study subjects related to Advanced Computer Science and gain a high-level working knowledge of Assembly Language. This program is designed to offer the most job opportunities in Myanmar and globally.
  • Anyone who has passed the Matriculation Exam, IGCSE, or GED is eligible to apply.